Declarations of Conformity See all Declarations of Conformity of the HARTING Technology Group Declaration of Conformity MICA 5-Jahre-Service und Reparaturleistungen 5-Year-Service and Repair Declaration of Conformity har-flex® Declaration of Conformity IEC har-flex® Declaration of Conformity NFF har-flexicon® Declaration of Conformity RoHS har-flex® Declaration of Conformity Ha-VIS SFP Transceiver Declaration of Conformity DIN VDE HARTING Electric Declaration of Conformity DIN Pneumatic Crimping Declaration of Conformity IEC Han®-Connectors Declaration of Conformity NFF Han®-Connectors Declaration of Conformity Ha-VIS mCon 3080 HARTING Electronics Declaration of Conformity Ha-VIS mCon 3102 HARTING Electronics REACH Information HARTING Declaration of Conformity RoHS HARTING Electronics Declaration of Conformity RoHS HARTING Electric