Secure data exchange between product and machine

Nokia is presenting an innovative product manufacturing process which makes the idea of Industry 4.0 a reality: its "factory in a box". The clue is in the name: the entire manufacturing process is modular, portable and accommodated in shipping containers.

Nokia will exhibit a full electronic production line in containers at the HANNOVER MESSE. Using a HARTING RFID RF-R300 reader and a LOCFIELD® antenna, data is exchanged secure bidirectionally between the product and the machine or the MES.

Nokia with a group of 11 electronics industry players launched in February its “factory in a box”. highlighting a state-of-the art cargo container with a single electronics manufacturing line that can be moved to locations as demand dictates. The “factory in a box” includes cloud-based solutions, robotics and new electronic manufacturing IoT solutions, all of which will enable greater agility and flexibility for manufacturers. As part of this project, HARTING's RFID solution for tracking, tracing and production control provides the finished products not only with an identity, but also a memory.

At HANNOVER MESSE, the “factory in a box” of Nokia takes a new step. More than a concept, it starts becoming a reality. Nokia will exhibit a full electronic production line in containers (Hall 8, Place of Nations). In this production line, the bare boards are fitted with transponders. Using a HARTING RFID RF-R300 reader and a LOCFIELD® antenna, the circuit boards are identified and data, like status information and process time, is exchanged secure bidirectionally between the product and the machine or the Manufacturing Execution System (MES). The circuit board thus receives relevant information and can send it straight to the following machine or make it available to a service technician later on in the finished product.

Thanks to the HARTING MICA-based Reader RF-R300, all the RFID data processing can be carried out in the machine in accordance with the standards. The space-saving LOCFIELD® coaxial cable antenna also makes it easy for the RFID technology to be integrated in the RFID technology in the SMT machines in the production line.